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Monday, 8 February 2010

Dr. Judy Mikovits XMRV Q & A by ProHealth

Dr. Judy Mikovits XMRV JANUARY 22ND 2010
by ProHealth

Dr. Judy Mikovits XMRV Presentation from ProHealth on Vimeo.

Dr. Judy Mikovits XMRV Presentation from ProHealth on Vimeo.

1 comment:

  1. Hi what an excellent and informative blog.

    I didn't find anything about lyme Disease and perhaps you are not aware that at least 30% and possibly as many as 75% ME/CFS patients actually have Lyme Disease Judith Mikovits and Dr Bell acknowledge that patients may well be co infected XMRV and Lyme.

    The controversy over diagnosis and treatment of Lyme Disease is huge. Research shows blood tests can miss up to 50% of cases and some patients need long term antibiotics which hPA following iDSA guidelines do not do. The presentations to IDSA review panel can be read on which shows Lyme is not rare simple to diagnose or easy to cure.

    Have a look at uk charity website
    Through Eurolyme a chat line I am in touch with many patients who like me found their ME/CFS to be Lyme Disease and on appropriate treatment have their health and lives back.

    Have a look at my blog

    Scotland has been a known endemic area for Lyme Disease for many years not everyone is aware of the tiny poppy seed sized tick that bites them and the illness can remain without symptoms for many years until something triggers it and the immune system can no longer cope.

    Best wishes in finding the cause of your illness and being able to treat the cause rather than just the symptoms.
